New Year, Same Old Me

Happy New Year!

A time for change, fresh starts and the opportunity to start anew. So many people go into a new year full of optimism and positivity about the year that lies ahead. Whatever you want to achieve, whether it’s travelling to a new exotic location, losing weight, being more confident, changing career paths or just trying to be less of an awkward embarrassment, everything seems possible when Big Ben strikes 12 on the first of January.

It’s almost like with the beginning of a New Year we trick ourselves into thinking that we’re going to be completely different people over night. What seemed impossible just moments ago on 31 December suddenly feels like a challenge you’re ready to take on and beat with all of your determination and power. How I wish this were true…

I haven’t set New Year’s resolutions for myself in what feels like years. I usually just go with the flow, and whilst I enjoy the fresh start the first of January brings following the indulgence of Christmas, I was quite happy going into January and seeing what the year brought, rather than setting myself goals and just ending up feeling disappointed when life got too busy for me to focus on them.

For someone who suffers with anxiety, lack of confidence and lack of self-esteem, the idea of a new year, alongside the work I’d been doing to improve in these areas towards the end of 2017, seemed like a perfect opportunity to continue growing as a person. Well, after not even two full days back at work, these ideals have pretty much gone out of the window. I’ve embarrassed myself twice in the last hour alone, with one encounter leaving my face as red as a ripe tomato.

I guess the New Year fairies didn’t come along and transform my socially awkward self as I’d hoped when we welcomed 2018…